List of installed software packages:

  1. sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.18 Full sources for the Gentoo Linux kernel
  2. sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.4.18 Full sources for the Gentoo Linux kernel
  3. sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.4.19-r7 Full sources for the Gentoo Linux kernel
  4. sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.4.19-r7 Full sources for the Gentoo Linux kernel
  5. sys-devel/gettext-0.11.1 GNU locale utilities
  6. sys-devel/binutils- Tools necessary to build programs
  7. sys-devel/gcc-3.1-r7 Modern GCC C/C++ compiler
  8. sys-devel/perl-5.6.1-r4 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
  9. sys-devel/libtool-1.4.1-r9 A shared library tool for developers
  10. sys-devel/m4-1.4p GNU macro processor
  11. sys-devel/autoconf-2.53a Used to create autoconfiguration files
  12. sys-devel/automake-1.6.1-r6 Used to generate from
  13. sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a-r4 GNU lexical analyser generator
  14. sys-devel/bc-1.06-r3 Handy console-based calculator utility
  15. sys-devel/bin86-0.15.5 Assembler and loader used to create kernel bootsector
  16. sys-devel/bison-1.34-r1 A yacc-compatible parser generator
  17. sys-devel/make-3.79.1-r3 Standard tool to compile source trees
  18. sys-devel/patch-2.5.4-r4 Utility to apply diffs to files
  19. sys-devel/perl-5.6.1-r5 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
  20. sys-apps/usbutils-0.9 USB enumeration utilities
  21. sys-apps/hotplug-20020401 USB and PCI hotplug scripts
  22. sys-apps/bzip2-1.0.2-r2 A high-quality data compressor used extensively by Gentoo Linux
  23. sys-apps/groff-1.17.2-r1 Text formatter used for man pages
  24. sys-apps/bash-2.05a-r2 The standard GNU Bourne again shell
  25. sys-apps/cpio-2.4.2-r4 A file archival tool which can also read and write tar files
  26. sys-apps/debianutils-1.16 A selection of tools from Debian
  27. sys-apps/texinfo-4.2-r5 The GNU info program and utilities
  28. sys-apps/diffutils-2.7.7 Tools to make diffs and compare files
  29. sys-apps/e2fsprogs-1.27 Standard EXT2 and EXT3 filesystem utilities
  30. sys-apps/ed-0.2-r3 Your basic line editor
  31. sys-apps/fbset-2.1 A utility to set the framebuffer videomode
  32. sys-apps/fileutils-4.1.8-r2 Standard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls, etc)
  33. sys-apps/findutils-4.1.7-r1 GNU utilities to find files
  34. sys-apps/miscfiles-1.3 Miscellaneous files
  35. sys-apps/grep-2.5-r1 GNU regular expression matcher
  36. sys-apps/sed-3.02.80-r3 Super-useful stream editor
  37. sys-apps/grub-0.90-r7 GNU GRUB boot loader
  38. sys-apps/gzip-1.3.2 Standard GNU compressor
  39. sys-apps/hdparm-5.2-r1 Utility to change hard drive performance parameters
  40. sys-apps/iptables-1.2.6a-r1 Kernel 2.4 firewall, NAT and packet mangling tools
  41. sys-apps/less-376 Excellent text file viewer
  42. sys-apps/cronbase-0.2.1 The is the base for all cron ebuilds.
  43. sys-apps/man-pages-1.51 A somewhat comprehensive collection of Linux man pages
  44. sys-apps/net-tools-1.60-r4 standard Linux network tools
  45. sys-apps/psmisc-19-r3 Handy process-related utilities from Debian
  46. sys-apps/raidtools-0.90-r2 Linux RAID 0/1/4/5 utilities
  47. sys-apps/reiserfsprogs-3.6.2 Reiserfs Utilities
  48. sys-apps/sh-utils-2.0.11-r5 Your standard GNU shell utilities
  49. sys-apps/lvm-user-1.0.4 User-land utilities for LVM (Logical Volume Manager) software
  50. sys-apps/shadow-4.0.2-r5 Utilities to deal with user accounts
  51. sys-apps/sharutils-4.2.1-r5 Tools to deal with shar archives
  52. sys-apps/tar-1.13.25-r2 Use this to try make tarballs :)
  53. sys-apps/pam-login-3.6-r2 Based on the sources from util-linux, with added pam and shadow features
  54. sys-apps/which-2.13 Prints out location of specified executables that are in your path
  55. sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r4 tcp wrappers
  56. sys-apps/devfsd-1.3.25 Daemon for the Linux Device Filesystem
  57. sys-apps/lilo-22.1-r3 Standard Linux boot loader
  58. sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-3.1.34-r7 PCMCIA tools for Linux
  59. sys-apps/parted-1.6.1 Create, destroy, resize, check, copy partitions and file systems
  60. sys-apps/vcron-3.0.1-r1 The Vixie cron daemon
  61. sys-apps/baselayout-1.7.9-r2 Base layout for Gentoo Linux filesystem (incl. initscripts and sysvinit)
  62. sys-apps/portage-2.0.13 Portage ports system
  63. sys-apps/pciutils-2.1.9-r2 Various utilities dealing with the PCI bus
  64. sys-apps/gawk-3.1.1 GNU awk pattern-matching language
  65. sys-apps/acpid-1.0.1 Daemon for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface.
  66. sys-apps/textutils-2.0.19-r2 Standard GNU text utilities
  67. sys-apps/which-2.14 Prints out location of specified executables that are in your path
  68. sys-apps/groff-1.16.1-r1 Text formatter used for man pages
  69. sys-apps/man-pages-1.52 A somewhat comprehensive collection of Linux man pages
  70. sys-apps/portage-2.0.22 Portage ports system
  71. sys-apps/groff-1.17.2-r2 Text formatter used for man pages
  72. sys-apps/baselayout-1.7.9-r1 Base layout for Gentoo Linux filesystem (incl. initscripts and sysvinit)
  73. sys-apps/pciutils-2.1.10 Various utilities dealing with the PCI bus
  74. sys-apps/portage-2.0.23 Portage ports system
  75. sys-apps/lvm-user-1.0.5 User-land utilities for LVM (Logical Volume Manager) software
  76. sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 Standard (de)compression library
  77. sys-libs/glibc-2.2.5-r4 GNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
  78. sys-libs/ncurses-5.2.20020511-r1 Linux console display libarary
  79. sys-libs/readline-4.2a Another cute console display library
  80. sys-libs/db-1.85-r1 db 1.85 -- required for RPM 4.0 to compile; that's about it.
  81. sys-libs/db-3.2.9 Berkeley DB for transaction support in MySQL
  82. sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.0-r5 Standard GNU database libraries included for compatibility with Perl
  83. sys-libs/slang-1.4.5-r2 Console display library used by most text viewer
  84. sys-libs/pwdb-0.61-r3
  85. sys-libs/cracklib-2.7-r5 Cracklib
  86. sys-libs/pam-0.75-r6 Pluggable Authentication Modules
  87. sys-libs/glibc-2.2.5-r5 GNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
  88. sys-libs/gpm-1.20.0-r3
  89. sys-libs/libieee1284-0.1.6 Library to query devices using IEEE1284
  90. sys-libs/db-3.2.9-r1 Berkeley DB for transaction support in MySQL
  91. sys-libs/pam-0.75-r7 Pluggable Authentication Modules
  92. dev-python/python-fchksum-1.6.1 fchksum is a Python module to find the checksum of files.
  93. dev-python/python-fchksum-1.6.1-r1 fchksum is a Python module to find the checksum of files.
  94. dev-libs/expat-1.95.3 XML parsing libraries
  95. dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6d-r1 Toolkit for SSL v2/v3 and TLS v1
  96. dev-libs/glib-1.2.10-r4 The GLib library of C routines
  97. dev-libs/popt-1.6.3 Parse Options - Command line parser
  98. dev-libs/libxml2-2.4.23 libxml2
  99. dev-libs/libpcre-3.9-r1 Perl-compatible regular expression library
  100. dev-libs/libxslt-1.0.19 XSLT libraries and tools
  101. dev-libs/mm-1.1.3-r1 Shared Memory Abstraction Library
  102. dev-libs/gmp-4.1-r1 Library for arithmetic on arbitrary precision integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers
  103. dev-libs/libmcrypt-2.5.1-r4 libmcrypt is a library that provides uniform interface to access several encryption algorithms.
  104. dev-lang/python-2.2.1-r2 A really great language
  105. dev-lang/nasm-0.98.31-r1 groovy little assembler
  106. app-shells/sash-3.4-r5 A small static UNIX Shell with readline suppport
  107. app-shells/sash-3.4-r5 A small static UNIX Shell with readline suppport
  108. app-editors/nano-1.0.8-r1 clone of Pico with more functions in a smaller size
  109. app-editors/joe-2.9.5 A free ASCII-Text Screen Editor for UNIX
  110. app-editors/vim-6.1-r8 Vi IMproved!
  111. app-editors/vim-6.1-r9 Vi IMproved!
  112. net-ftp/ftp-0.17-r1
  113. net-ftp/ncftp-3.1.4 An extremely configurable ftp client
  114. net-misc/netcat-110 A network piping program
  115. net-misc/netkit-telnetd-0.17-r3
  116. net-misc/rsync-2.5.5 File transfer program to keep remote files into sync
  117. net-misc/wget-1.8.2 Network utility to retrieve files from the WWW
  118. net-misc/openssh-3.4_p1-r3 Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release
  119. net-misc/ntp-4.1.1a Network Time Protocol suite/programs
  120. net-misc/dhcpcd-1.3.20_p0-r1 A dhcp client only
  121. net-misc/whois-4.5.28-r1 improved Whois Client
  122. net-misc/mtr-0.49-r1 Matt's TraceRoute. Excellent network diagnostic tool.
  123. net-misc/netkit-tftp-0.17-r1 the tftp server included in netkit
  124. net-misc/lrzsz-0.12.20-r1 communication package providing the X, Y, and ZMODEM file transfer protocols
  125. net-misc/netkit-fingerd-0.17-r2 Netkit - fingerd
  126. net-irc/irssi-0.8.5 A modular textUI IRC client with IPv6 support.
  127. net-irc/xchat-1.8.9-r3 X-Chat is a graphical IRC client for UNIX operating systems.
  128. media-libs/libogg-1.0_rc3-r1 the Ogg media file format library
  129. media-libs/libvorbis-1.0_rc3-r2 the Ogg Vorbis sound file format library
  130. media-libs/jpeg-6b-r2 libjpeg
  131. media-libs/libmikmod-3.1.10
  132. media-libs/audiofile-0.2.3-r1 An elegant API for accessing audio files
  133. media-libs/giflib-4.1.0-r3 giflib
  134. media-libs/tiff-3.5.7-r1 libtiff
  135. media-libs/imlib-1.9.14-r1 Imlib is a general Image loading and rendering library.
  136. media-libs/gdk-pixbuf-0.18.0-r1
  137. media-libs/libungif-4.1.0-r1 A library for reading and writing gif images without LZW compression
  138. media-libs/lcms-1.08 A lightweight, speed optimized color management engine
  139. media-libs/libmng-1.0.3 Multiple Image Networkgraphics lib (animated png's)
  140. media-libs/libpng-1.2.4 libpng
  141. media-libs/libflash-0.4.10-r1 A library for flash animations
  142. media-libs/libsdl- Simple Direct Media Layer
  143. media-libs/win32codecs-0.60-r1 Win32 binary codecs for MPlayer and maybe avifile as well
  144. media-libs/divx4linux-20020418 Binary release of DivX Codec 5.0.1
  145. media-libs/libdv-0.9.5-r1 software codec for dv-format video (camcorders etc)
  146. media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.10 a LGPL version of libart
  147. media-libs/lcms-1.09 A lightweight, speed optimized color management engine
  148. media-libs/pdflib-4.0.1-r3 A library for generating PDF on the fly
  149. media-libs/libogg-1.0 the Ogg media file format library
  150. media-libs/libvorbis-1.0 the Ogg Vorbis sound file format library
  151. media-libs/freetype-2.0.9 A high-quality and portable font engine
  152. media-sound/mp3blaster-3.1.1 MP3 command line player
  153. media-sound/esound-0.2.28-r1 The Enlightened Sound Daemon
  154. media-sound/lame-3.92 LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder
  155. media-sound/cdparanoia-3.9.8 an advanced CDDA reader with error correction
  156. media-sound/mpg123-0.59r-r1 Real Time mp3 player
  157. media-sound/xmms-1.2.7-r11 X MultiMedia System
  158. media-sound/smixer-1.0.1 A command-line tool for setting and viewing mixer settings.
  159. dev-util/dialog-0.9_beta20020519 A Tool to display Dialog boxes from Shell
  160. dev-util/strace-4.4 A usefull diagnostic, instructional, and debugging tool
  161. dev-util/intltool-0.22 Scripts for extracting translatable strings from various sourcefiles
  162. dev-util/cscope-15.3 CScope - interactively examine a C program
  163. dev-util/pkgconfig-0.12.0 Package Config system that manages compile/link flags for libraries
  164. dev-util/cvs-1.11.2 Concurrent Versions System - source code revision control tools
  165. dev-util/pccts-1.33.32-r1 An embedded C/C++ parser generator
  166. app-admin/usbview-1.0-r1 Display the topology of devices on the USB bus
  167. app-admin/gentoolkit-0.1.15-r1 Collection of unofficial administration scripts for Gentoo
  168. app-admin/fam-oss-2.6.7-r1 FAM, the File Alteration Monitor.
  169. app-admin/dosfstools-2.8-r2 dos filesystem tools
  170. app-admin/mtools-3.9.8-r1 dos filesystem tools
  171. app-admin/kportagemaster-0.3 A graphical frontend for emerge
  172. app-admin/portagemaster-0.1.5 A java portage browser and installer.
  173. app-admin/gentoolkit-0.1.15-r2 Collection of unofficial administration scripts for Gentoo
  174. net-analyzer/traceroute-1.4_p12 Utility to trace the route of ip packets
  175. net-analyzer/nmap-2.54_beta37 Portscanner
  176. net-analyzer/tcpdump-3.7.1 A Tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
  177. net-analyzer/trafshow-3.1-r1 Full screen visualization of the network traffic
  178. net-analyzer/nmap-2.99_rc1 Portscanner
  179. net-www/boa-0.94.12 Boa - A very small and very fast http daemon.
  180. net-www/boa-0.94.13 Boa - A very small and very fast http daemon.
  181. net-www/mozilla-1.0-r3 The Mozilla Web Browser
  182. net-www/links-2.1_pre2-r1 links is a fast lightweight text tand graphic web-browser
  183. net-www/gplflash-0.4.10-r1 GPL Shockwave Flash Player/Plugin
  184. net-mail/mailbase-0.00-r4 MTA layout package
  185. net-mail/mailx- The /bin/mail program, which is used to send mail via shell scripts.
  186. x11-base/opengl-update-1.3 Utility to change the OpenGL interface being used.
  187. x11-base/xfree-4.2.0-r12 Xfree86: famous and free X server
  188. x11-libs/gtk+-1.2.10-r8 The GIMP Toolkit
  189. x11-libs/qt-2.3.2-r1 QT , an X11 widget set and general library used by KDE et al
  190. x11-libs/openmotif-2.1.30-r1 Open Motif (Metrolink Bug Fix Release)
  191. x11-libs/qt-3.0.5 QT version
  192. gnome-base/ORBit-0.5.16 A high-performance, lightweight CORBA ORB aiming for CORBA 2.2 compliance
  193. gnome-base/gnome-libs- GNOME Core Libraries
  194. kde-base/arts-1.0.2-r1
  195. kde-base/kdelibs-3.0.2-r1 KDE - base libraries needed by all kde programs
  196. kde-base/kdebase-3.0.2
  197. kde-base/kdenetwork-3.0.2
  198. kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.0.2
  199. kde-base/kdeaddons-3.0.2
  200. kde-base/kdepim-3.0.2
  201. kde-base/kdeadmin-3.0.2
  202. kde-base/kdeartwork-3.0.2
  203. kde-base/kdegames-3.0.2
  204. kde-base/kdetoys-3.0.2
  205. kde-base/kdegraphics-3.0.2
  206. kde-base/kdeedu-3.0.2
  207. kde-base/kdeutils-3.0.2
  208. kde-base/kde-3.0.2 KDE - merge this to pull in all non-developer kde-base/* packages
  209. x11-wm/xfce-3.8.16 XFce is a lightweight desktop environment for various UNIX systems.
  210. x11-wm/fluxbox-0.1.10 Window manager based on Blackbox and pwm -- has tabs.
  211. dev-java/java-config-0.2.4-r1 Gentoo-specific configuration for Java
  212. dev-java/blackdown-jre-1.3.1-r7 Blackdown Java Runtime Environment 1.3.1
  213. dev-java/blackdown-jdk-1.3.1-r7 Blackdown Java Development Kit 1.3.1
  214. app-arch/unzip-5.42-r1 Unzipper for pkzip-compressed files
  215. app-arch/zip-2.3-r1 Info ZIP
  216. app-arch/unrar-3.00-r1 Uncompress rar files
  217. app-arch/rpm-4.0.4-r3 Red Hat Package Management Utils
  218. home/discover-data-1.2002.05.23
  219. home/discover-1.5 Discover hardware and load the appropriate drivers for that hardware.
  220. home/discover-data-1.2002.05.23-r1
  221. home/discover-1.5-r1 Discover hardware and load the appropriate drivers for that hardware.
  222. app-cdr/cdrdao-1.1.5-r1 Burn CDs in disk-at-once mode -- with optional GUI frontend
  223. app-cdr/cdrtools-1.11.27 cdrtools - A set of tools for CDR drives, including cdrecord
  224. app-cdr/cdrtools-1.11.28 cdrtools - A set of tools for CDR drives, including cdrecord
  225. app-misc/zisofs-tools-1.0.3 User utilities for zisofs
  226. net-dialup/minicom-1.83.1-r1 Serial Communication Program
  227. net-dialup/ppp-2.4.1-r9 Point-to-point protocol - patched for pppoe
  228. net-dialup/ppp-2.4.1-r10 Point-to-point protocol - patched for pppoe
  229. net-dialup/rp-pppoe-3.4 A user-mode PPPoE client and server suite for Linux
  230. net-libs/liblockfile-1.03 Implements functions designed to lock the standard mailboxes.
  231. net-libs/libpcap-0.7.1 pcap-Library
  232. net-libs/libwww-5.4.0 A general-purpose client side WEB API
  233. app-text/ghostscript-7.05.3-r1 ESP Ghostscript -- an enhanced version of GNU Ghostscript with better printer support
  234. app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r2 Base ISO character entities and utilities for SGML
  235. app-text/antiword-0.32 Antiword is a free MS Word reader for Linux and RISC OS
  236. app-text/dgs-0.5.10-r1 A Ghostscript based DPS server
  237. app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.1 Docbook SGML DTD 4.1
  238. app-text/openjade-1.3.1-r4 Jade is an implemetation of DSSSL - an ISO standard for formatting SGML and XML documents
  239. app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.1 Docbook SGML DTD 3.1
  240. app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.0 Docbook SGML DTD 3.0
  241. app-text/docbook-xml-simple-dtd- Docbook DTD for XML
  242. app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.52.2 XSL Stylesheets for Docbook
  243. app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.1.2-r2 Docbook DTD for XML
  244. app-text/docbook-dsssl-stylesheets-1.77 DSSSL Stylesheets for DocBook.
  245. app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.0 Docbook SGML DTD 4.0
  246. app-text/docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.11 Shell scripts to manage DocBook documents
  247. net-print/cups-1.1.15-r2 The Common Unix Printing System
  248. net-nds/portmap-5b-r6 Netkit - portmapper
  249. x11-misc/commonbox-utils-0.1 Common utilities for flux|black|open(box). Provides bsetroot, bsetbg, and commonbox-menugen.
  250. x11-themes/commonbox-styles-0.1-r1 Common styles for flux|black|open(box).
  251. media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5-r1 Media Player for Linux
  252. media-video/xanim-2.80.1-r4 XAnim
  253. media-video/avifile- Library for AVI-Files
  254. media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5-r99 Media Player for Linux
  255. app-office/openoffice-bin-1.0.0-r2 OpenOffice productivity suite
  256. app-office/koffice-1.2_beta2 A free, integrated office suite for KDE, the K Desktop Environment.
  257. dev-perl/SGMLSpm-1.03-r1 Perl library for parsing the output of nsgmls
  258. dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.31 A Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat.
  259. dev-perl/XML-RegExp-0.03 A Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat.
  260. app-crypt/mhash-0.8.16 mhash is a library providing a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms.
  261. media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.8-r2 Scanner Access Now Easy - Backends
  262. media-gfx/imagemagick-5.4.7 A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats