uPM - The micro Package Manager

Why uPM?Description of uPM
DownloadsFormat description
upm commandsFiles and Directories
Packaging Softwareupm.conf Configuration
Bootstrapping a systemInstall from CD
Configuration File ManagementChangeLog
Frequently asked QuestionsPorting to new architectures


The work here would not have been possible without access to the huge body of software, patches and scripts of the Debian Project. Many of the UPM package descriptions were done based on Debian packaging. I have learned quite a bit about package manangement during my years (since 1996) as a Debian developer through others in the project. In particular useful was the feedback on linux software I created (debmake and alien as well as numerous others) and the observation on what other developments resulted from the ideas in those pieces of software. I would also like to thank the Gentoo Project which has recently broken new ground with their source based distribution. I had the opportunity to explore that distribution too when I became a Gentoo developer in the summer of 2002. UPM packaging has also relied on many of the scripts and patches done by that project. UPM was basically created because I saw that the architecture of portage had hit a wall in the same way that I felt the Debian packaging mechanism has come to the limit of what they can do. The UPM package manager itself was written from scratch in C and does not contain any software from the Gentoo or Debian project but it incorporates many insights that I was only able to gain because of the work of those two projects. Debian in particular has always been a source of knowlege, good friends and support throughout the years.

Christoph Lameter, September 27, 2002

Why UPM?

The number of packages in Open Source Software distributions is growing and growing. The Debian project has 10 thousand packages available today and those packages are maintained by 1000 maintainers. It is to be expected that the number of packages will continue to grow. I think it is realistic to expect that the number of packackes will increase to 50-100 THOUSAND when we reach the years 2005/2006.
How can such a huge quantity of software be managed effectively? It would take 5-10 thousand(!) maintainers to do the job with the current approach. The inertia coming with such a big organization is already impacting the availability of newer releases today. A new X and a new GCC seem to require changes that affect many areas. Managing 10000 developers will even be a bigger headache and require processes and policies that will establish strict procedures to manage the project effectively. In turn those tight procedures will stifle the ability to react in a flexible way to new situations.

uPM is an attempt to react to that challenge with a new way of packaging. The technology as always will also impact the way things are done.

  1. Extreme reduction of the amount of information maintained on each package. Ideally procedures should be available that allow an automated retrieval from an upstream site with fully automated incorporation into the distribution. One of the greatest problems with maintaining package using dpkg or rpm is the need to keep the installation scripts current. Installation scripts of multiple packages mostly only do a limited number of tasks in a variety of ways. If changes are needed then all those scripts have to be changed. This is an errorprone process and releases are very difficult because there is always something broken in the packages. We need to do a radical change on that front. The amount of scripting for each package needs to be reduced by a factor of 10 to 100. Similar functionality in scripts of multiple packages needs to be centralized.
  2. Separation of package integration issues that are distribution specific from development activities which need to be done by the open source project the source code is obtained from. Debian for example is frequently carrying what amounts to forks of upstream packages (X, Kernel etc). Other distributions encounter the same phenomenon. Often patches are not submitted and not integrated to open source projects. The package manager needs to support patch patch writing that is directly submissable to open source projects. On the other hand distribution specific installation does not need to be done with patches. In my opinion it would be best to form real upstream forks and not use the packaging to provide enhance functionality. Having an upstream fork eases access by others to the improvements made and puts pressure on the orignal upstream authors to integrate changes. It is the best way to avoid having to maintain a fork over a prolonged time period using packaging tools.
  3. Standardization of build procedures in open source projects. There are already established customs on how software is to be build. Automake is one example of an attempt to formalize the build process. The package manager needs to provide a clean interface so that ideally no patching of sources complying to standardized build procedures is necessary for package integration. Patches that have to be done are to be of a generally nature which will warrant their inclusion in standard sources and allow the package maintainer to use these patches unmodified as obtained from the other sites.
  4. Simplification of package management. Package managers should not work in a mysterious ways but be transparent and simple to operate. The metadata that the package generates needs to be easy to handle and change.
  5. Comprehensive Management of all files on a System. Current Linux system already need tens of thousands of files for a well build out system. It is to be expected that future complex Linux systems will contain hundreds of thousands of files. The packagemanager must provide facilities to monitor file usage, audit problems and be able to insure the integrity of software installed. The system administrator cannot be expected to know the role of each individual file.
  6. Upgrades must be fully automated. Prompting for user input on an upgrade problem is not very helpful these days since the complexity of Linux systems has increased. The user or administrator will not know what to do about a configuration issue. The package manager must provide intelligent schemes for unattended upgrades and refuse to install a new package if an upgrade cannot be performed without user intervention. If a user decision is forced, as reflected in the implementation of configuration file management in package managers today, then the user will make a decision which might be bad since insufficient knowledge about the issue is available. The current situation is that RPM simply moves the configuration file out of the way hoping for future user intervention. Gentoo does the same and provides a tool that asks lots of questions on how to treat these configuraton files. Debian prompts when the config file was changed from the default. All these approaches will not work if a system is being run by a non-unix person. There are a variety of approaches to work around these issues in the package managers (debconf, taking the management of configuration files out of the hands of the package managers etc). The problem though is an deficiency in package management and needs to be solved in the manager itself.
  7. Flexible Build procedures. It should be possible to automatically build packages from source automatically customizing the build procedure to the needs on a special system and the desired overall configuration of software on the system. Debian has the custom of offering a variety of packages based on a common open source upstream package to address that. But if the build process can be customized then the package variety is unneccsary because custom versions can be build as necessary. This will reduce the number of packages needed. Build procedures need to sense the environment and then do an automated efficient build for the machine. Essential build characteristics need to be tracked by the package management system. Gentoo is allowing the specification of build options but does not effectively track that information which results often in a very fragile system.

uPM - Micro Package Manager

uPM is a package manager that attempts to address these issues by offering an integration of a builder, a classic package manager and an advanced management of package relations (like known from apt).

UPM Sources available

Note that the implementation is not complete nor is it tested too well. I expect the implementation to be complete by version 1.0. Available downloads for UPM:

A list of available package description is at ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/telemetry/sputnik/recipe.

Christoph Lameter, August 8, 2002.

Packaging Software

This is a short tutorial on how to start writing a package description. Package descriptions control all aspects of binary tarball generation and the deployment of software. A package description is an ascii files with lines called Records. A record begins with a capital letter and a blank. It is followed by parameters that are separated by blanks.

Starting a package description

In general it is a bad idea to work as the root. For the following exercise use a regular userid if at all possible. Run your favorite editor and then type a W and a blank on the first line followed by a one line description of what this package is all about. Then type a S and a blank on the next line followed by the URL where the sourcecode for the software you are trying to package can be obtained. This could look for example this way if one would try to package sed:
W Sed - stream editor
S http://queen.rett.polimi.it/~paolob/seders/ssed/sed-3.58.tar.gz
Save this file named packagename-version. So this one should be called sed-3.58. With that you have created a fully functional package description with a W Record describing what the package is and a S Record to specify the source location.

The package description can now be used as a parameter to uPM. For starters lets simply build the package and not immediately install it. That would work using:

upm build sed-3.58
upm should now do something and produce sed-3.58_i486.tgz. Read the documentation on upm to find out what else can be done with that package description.

Making the package description version independent

One problem with the package description is that the version number is hardcoded into the package description. If 3.59 has been released then one would need to edit the package description which is bad. It would be great to have package descriptions that are independent of version numbers. We already have the package name and the package version number in the filename for the package. uPM can extract the information from the filename and make that information available as {V} for VERSION and {P} for PACKAGE. The revised version independent package description is now:
W Sed - stream editor
S http://queen.rett.polimi.it/~paolob/seders/ssed/{P}-{V}.tar.gz
Now the package description is version independent. The package description can be simply renamed to use new version. The maintenance scripts for the Telemetry/Linux distribution check periodically for updates and will rename the package description and attempt to build if new releases become available.

With this we have used a string expansion. uPM has a quite sophisticated mechanism for managing a database of strings and string snippets that can be used to extensively customize the build process.

Why did this work?

It is kind of amazing that one was able to integrate a package by just writing two lines of a package description. The reason that this worked so well is that:
  1. Sed uses the standard autoconf/configure/make mechanism for package building and uPM will default to an autoconf build mechanism.
  2. We have relied on defaults for dependencies and other important aspects of building.
In the following text the package description will be made more complete. The default build mechanism can be seen (and modified if so desired) in the settings of upm.conf. The default action for configure is:
./configure --prefix=/usr --host={HOST}
The default build action is
And the default installation action is:
make prefix={B}/usr install
These settings are exactly fitting for a lot of packages that use the standard autoconf build mechanisms. The above examples include some additional string expansions. {HOST} is the name of the current build environment typically set in upm.conf and {B} is the temporary directory for installation. Note that uPM never allows direct installation into the system files. Buildling is done in a user environment and a special fakeroot daemon is used to simulate a root environment for permission setting and package generation. The building process is completely secured. Nothing can happen to the system since the build procedure never uses real root access. The build process will fail if an installation routine tries to install files into unauthorized areas. Feel free to experiment with package descriptions. As long as no installation is done no harm can come from it.

Setting the LICENSE attribute

It is useful to track the license that a package has. This is typically set using the LICENSE attribute. Attributes are package characteristics that are defined in the package description and in upm.conf. They can be used to attach arbitrary information to a package. The license for sed is GPL-2 and the attributes are set using an A Record. The package description with the LICENSE attribute:
W Sed - stream editor
S http://queen.rett.polimi.it/~paolob/seders/ssed/{PV}.tar.gz
We have also changed the version refernce from {P}-{V} to {PV}. PV is frequently used and its defined in /etc/upm.conf as {P}-{V}.

Setting the build type

The package does not have an explicit specification of a build type yet. This means it build without any build information. No tracking of the tools used to build sed is done. The tracking of such tools might be useful. If a bug has been found in the compiler we would like to be able to rebuild all affected packages. Or we might want to make sure that everything is build using the newest tools. Build types are used to set default build environments. R Records control package relationships. Sed is written in C and there is a c-build environment to be found under the meta section of the recipes that sets up such an environment. Sed with setting of the build environment:
W Sed - stream editor
S http://queen.rett.polimi.it/~paolob/seders/ssed/{PV}.tar.gz
H http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/{P}.html
R BUILD c-build
The R Record takes three parameters. The first one is the type of relationship. Here is it is a build relationship to the c-build metapackage. The c-build metapackage will set other build dependencies and runtime dependencies that are used by all C applications. With the c-build dependency also the runtime dependency on glibc is established. Incidentally a H Record slipped in. H records are used to contain information about the homepage of packages. The H records are used by documentation tools to show where more information about a package can be found. The URLs of H records are also used to realize keyword searches for packages.

Conditional Dependencies

Reading the documentation we find that sed does support NLS (national language support) and includes lots of files that display messages in Hebrew, Greek, Spanish etc etc. But our system is only used in the United States so we really do not want to carry that baggage around. On the other hand people in other countries might need those languages. For that purpose a global package build directive can be set in /etc/upm.conf. if a NLS attribute with the content of the package providig the NLS support (typically gettext) is defined then sed should be build with NLS support. Otherwise NLS support should be skipped and all those foreign languages should not land on our system.

Typically this is done with a conditional dependency and conditional configure string generation. The R BUILD settings take a string parameter for the package name. If that string parameter is empty then no dependency will be generated. Instead of specifying the package name we can simply specify that the contents of the global NLS attribute should be used as the dependency. If NLS is not set then no dependency will be generated. If NLS is set then a dependency on the package that provides build/runtime support for national language support will be included. The augmented package description:

W Sed - stream editor
S http://queen.rett.polimi.it/~paolob/seders/ssed/{PV}.tar.gz
H http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/{P}.html
R BUILD c-build
A CONFOPT {NLS?:"--disable-nls"}
Also included is the necessary customization for the parameters to the ./configure script. The default definition for CONFIGURE expands CONFOPT after --prefix=/usr. The default is that CONFOPT is empty. By assigning something to it we can change the configuration of the package to be build. Here is another string expansion. This time it is a ternary operation like known from C. This means that if NLS is not set then set CONFOPT to --disable-nls.

Verification of the software build

Some programs like sed here support the checking of the binary for proper functioning. By default uPM does not generate any action for checkups but an attribute CHECK can be set to the command of the test to generate it. The resulting package description is then:
W Sed - stream editor
S http://queen.rett.polimi.it/~paolob/seders/ssed/{PV}.tar.gz
H http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/{P}.html
R BUILD c-build
A CONFOPT {NLS?:"--disable-nls"}
A CHECK make check
And we also set the DOC attribute to the files we would like to put in /usr/doc/sed from the sourcearchive. uPM also supports MAN for manpages and INFO for info files. These are only to be used if the package does not install documentation on its own using the make install target.

Moving files around after the install

In some situations we might want to change what install has done. This is possible using event scripts. One such event is the POSTINST. It is happening after the installation (into the temporary tree). A shell command can be given that is running with the current directory set to the root of the temporary tree. We will be using that to allow for the possibility of alternate implementations of sed using the Y records.
W Sed - stream editor
S http://queen.rett.polimi.it/~paolob/seders/ssed/{PV}.tar.gz
H http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/{P}.html
R BUILD c-build
A CONFOPT {NLS?:"--disable-nls"}
A CHECK make check
E POSTINST mv usr/bin/sed bin/sed-{V}
Y bin/sed sed-{V} 50
Sed is important for us and it should even be there when /usr has not been mounted yet. That is why we move sed to the /bin directory. Note that no leading / are used here. A leading / would cause the script to fail since it would attempt to access the real /. Sed is also renamed to sed-3.58 to make the name unique in case we have multiple Seds on the machine.

The Y Record is used to allow one name for multiple binaries. An Y record specifies the common name and then the special name and a priority. uPM will pick the one with the lowest priority from the available sed. A more powerful sed could be installed and have a lower priority. Then the /bin/sed link would point to the new sed. If that more powerful sed is later removed (naturally it had some strange behavior) then the /bin/sed link will be repointed to the old sed. This insures that a sed version is always available.


There are many other lines for other special effects that can be used with uPM. This was just a short introduction covering the development of a package description. Please read the rest of this html file for more details. Study the recipes on the Telemetry/Linux site for examples.

UPM Sample Package Description

GLIBC Package Description

Here is an example of a more extensive package description for GLIBC. This is also used to illustrate the various phases of supplementing information in the package description by the uPM system. The first listing is of the RECIPE state. This is the pre-build stage. The Recipe can contain MD5Sums for all sources and patches. Those have not been included.
W The Linux C library GLIBC
H http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html
M christoph@lameter.com
S ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/glibc/releases/{PV}.tar.bz2
P ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/glibc/releases/{P}-linuxthreads-{V}.tar.bz2
P {P}-manpages-{V}.tar.bz2@man
P {P}-2.2.4-string2.h.diff
P {PV}-threadsig.diff
P {P}-2.2.2-test-lfs-timeout.patch@io 
P {PV}-dns-network-overflow.diff
P {PV}-sunrpc-overflow.diff
P {P}-divdi3.diff
P {PV}-gcc311.patch
R BUILD linux-headers
R BUILD make
R BUILD binutils
R BUILD texinfo
R BUILD gawk
G R DEPEND glibc
A O 2
A DESTSPEC install_root={B} {NLS?"localedata/install-locales"}
A CONFOPT --with-gd=no --without-cvs --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads --disable-profile 
#A CHECK make check
E POSTINST install -m644 {S}/nscd/nscd.conf etc
E POSTINST rm -rf etc/ld.so.cache etc/localtime etc/rpc usr/libexec
V PATH LDPATH /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
T lib ldconfig #
T usr/lib ldconfig #
T usr/local/lib ldconfig #
A MAN man/*.3thr
The first line is a W Record. The line sets the Title of the package as displayed using various tools.

The second line is a H Record which is used to give a hint where more information about the package can be found.

Third line is a M mail address where bug reports and patches might be submitted to.

Fourth line is the Source Specification. This is the location of the source code of the package.

The next lines are all Patch Specifications. These are patches to be applied to the source package. Patches can be either tarballs which are untarred into the sourcecode directory or real patch files. The first two patches here are tarballs. The second one has a patch fix. This is the @ and the man name. This tarball should not be untarred into the main sourcecode archive but into a subdirectory thereof.

The patch lines also use Macro-Expansion features of uPM. Any text surrounded by { } are variable substitutions and expansions to be done by uPM. {P} {V} are short hand references to the packagename and the version. Use of these macros allows the reuse of the same package description for future releases. {P} and {V} are extracted from the filename. Simply renaming the package description often allows the installation of newer releases. The glibc patches are a mess though. Usually this list is much leaner and easier to maintain. {PV} is a default attribute defined in upm.conf.

Note also the @io at the test-lfs-timeout patch. That patch has to be applied to a subdirectory indicated by @.

The R Records are used to specify relationships to other package. First there are two BUILD time dependency. A build time dependency makes sure that this package is installed at build time and it tracks the versions of the dependent package in the GLIBC package. A B record will be generated indicating the version used to build GLIBC.

Then some runtime dependencies follow. When the package is installed a verification is done that these packages are installed. The last depend line is a conditional dependency. It checks if the NLS attribute is defined. If so then the gettext package is also needed at runtime.

Then some strage G R records appear. These generate dependencies for packages having a build dependency on GLIBC. If a package uses GLIBC for building then it also needs glibc for a runtime dependency (G R DEPEND). If a package used GLIBC for building then it will also need GCC during build time (G R BUILD).

The A Records are used to override attribute settings in upm.conf. They only make sense when viewed in the context of the attributes define there which control the overall build procedure. Attribute records in package descriptions are used to override elements of the build process. Here the O attribute is set to 2 which forces the optimization during build to -O2. The DESTSPEC sets the way how the install target is specified during "make ... install". There is a CHECK of the installation possible. The CHECK definition sets up the build engine to run a command and verify that there is no error before building the binary package.

The CONFOPT settings are the options set when invoking ./configure. The example here shows a conditional generation of these options depending on global settings in upm.conf about how the software on a machine should be configured.

The Events for POSTINST perform changes in the binary tree after the INSTALL action has been run. Here another file is extracted from the source archive into the binary tree and then some of the directories are removed.

Triggers are set for common library directories. If other packages deploy new libraries the ldconfig script will be run without these packages needing any special scripts.

The MAN and DOC attributes result in appropriate actions to deposit and manage both documentation and man pages. The V records cause the setting of environmental variables or search paths. Here a searchpath is set for the typical locations of libraries.

Here is the attribute section of upm.conf (no this is not a current version but only a subset of an old one!) to make some more sense out of these macro expansions:

# These are lists of default attributes to be used for
# building programs. 
# Attributes defined here can be override by attribute
# specifications in the package or by package specific
# overrides later....

# The configuration stage. If this package does not
# support autoconf override this setting using
# CONFOPT can be set with additional options
CONFIGURE=./configure --prefix=/usr {CONFOPT} --host={HOST}

# This works with most packages
# Override BUILD if additional targets are needed

# The check stage is typically unused. Define this to override and actually
# perform a regression test or so.

# Installation. Typically the specification of the destination
# varies. Define DESTSPEC attribute to fill that one out if the
# DESTDIR default will not work.
INSTALL=make {DESTSPEC} install

# Override this to specify your way of setting the binary
# destination to install into.

CFLAGS=-mcpu={CPU} -O{O} -march={ARCH} {MMX?"-mmmx"}

# Shorthand often needed

# Most important is the control of the gcc compilation options
# these are environment variables that are passed to 
# the configure build and install stage`

# Languages to support. If a language is disabled
# and a package requires it then it will be impossible
# to install the package. Notably C++ is used for 
# a large selection of packages.

# Package features
# Support for other languages


The package description is equipped with additional information via B records and filling out of missing MD5 values. It looks something like this after the build stage:

W The Linux C library GLIBC
T lib ldconfig
T usr/lib ldconfig
T usr/local/lib ldconfig
H http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html
M christoph@lameter.com
S ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/glibc/releases/{PV}.tar.bz2 5be613d02b934d8e305dd2f93062fa6c
P ftp://sources.redhat.com/pub/glibc/releases/{P}-linuxthreads-{V}.tar.bz2 33b9ae01d51263867d338adfba105278
P {P}-manpages-{V}.tar.bz2@man b712a49b5113fccb4c8b0ada2a30d390
P {P}-2.2.4-string2.h.diff 135f8145885a2f4f9876fe973f33ddf6
P {PV}-threadsig.diff 993732f56fdecf36f672198112fc5d5c
P {P}-2.2.2-test-lfs-timeout.patch@io 52cfc7627fc62dfb26d8d163aac361f6
P {PV}-dns-network-overflow.diff b12e1a7de85cd82bcb341863643c9ffd
P {PV}-sunrpc-overflow.diff d28a4b6eb36a891a259806430a612de5
P {P}-divdi3.diff a3587cb4338001848f4383529d244461
P {PV}-gcc311.patch 7481046043f42ecf4ac0a218abc896fc
R BUILD linux-headers
R BUILD make
R BUILD binutils
R BUILD texinfo
R BUILD gawk
G R DEPEND glibc
V PATH LDPATH /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
A O 2
A DESTSPEC install_root={B} {NLS?"localedata/install-locales"}
A CONFOPT --with-gd=no --without-cvs --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads --disable-profile 
A MAN man/*.3thr
B PV glibc-2.2.5
B BUILD_linux-headers 2.4.19
B BUILD_gcc 3.2
B BUILD_make 3.79.1
B BUILD_binutils
B BUILD_texinfo 4.2
B BUILD_gawk 3.1.1
B BUILD_sed 3.58
B CPU i686
B O 2
B ARCH i486
B CFLAGS -mcpu=i686 -O2 -march=i486  
B CONFOPT --with-gd=no --without-cvs --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads --disable-profile 
B HOST i486-pc-linux-gnu
B CONFIGURE ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-gd=no --without-cvs --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads --disable-profile  --host=i486-pc-linux-gnu
B BUILD make
B DESTSPEC install_root=/var/tmp/upm-binary/glibc-2.2.5 
B INSTALL make install_root=/var/tmp/upm-binary/glibc-2.2.5  install
B MAN man/*.3thr
B MAN_HANDLER /usr/upm/scripts/man_handler /var/tmp/upm-binary/glibc-2.2.5 man/*.3thr
B DOC_HANDLER /usr/upm/scripts/doc_handler /var/tmp/upm-binary/glibc-2.2.5 glibc BUGS CONFORMANCE COPYING* ChangeLog* FAQ INSTALL INTERFACE NAMESPACE NEWS NOTES PROJECTS README* 
B FINAL_HANDLER /usr/upm/scripts/final
E POSTINST install -m644 {S}/nscd/nscd.conf etc
E POSTINST rm -rf etc/ld.so.cache etc/localtime usr/bin/lddlibc4 usr/libexec
Note the addition of B records to track all the attribute information referenced.

The installation adds more information about files. Just a few excertps:

B DESTSPEC install_root=/var/tmp/upm-binary/glibc-2.2.5
B INSTALL make install_root=/var/tmp/upm-binary/glibc-2.2.5 install
D usr/lib/gconv 755 0 0
D usr/include/sys 755 0 0
D usr/include/bits 755 0 0


L usr/lib/libnss_compat.so ../../lib/libnss_compat.so.2
L usr/lib/libutil.so ../../lib/libutil.so.1
F etc/rpc 644 0 0 829918f13dcb14fdeab47541ff658cfa 1615
F etc/ld.so.cache 644 0 0 18aa7b9db00e80a90c825bdaa9473e5e 5630
F lib/libc-2.2.5.so 755 0 0 046d279de1888ee35f81bc306b6927cc 1355938


F usr/info/libc.info-9 644 0 0 e5b2e9de70017dd31c98532e3671f4a8 49111
F usr/info/dir 644 0 0 feae9e11b3fd7bf07613d124b56de336 64950
F usr/libexec/pt_chown 4755 0 0 fe81d227c68162eb57cbf2b129a76065 8620
F usr/upm/in/glibc-2.2.5 644 0 0 ddc3b478ccbdea7184af9e84e1aadc31 1832
Well enough for now...

Release names for UPM distribution

NameDescriptionDate of release
StartBeginning of developmentAugust 7, 2002
SputnikInitial release to establish baseline functionality.
  • Fully functional package manager
  • Ability to bootstrap the system
  • Ability to install from CD media
  • Core functionality set of 200 packages
  • Basic X functionality
  • Hardware autodetection
  • Basic archive functionality
Sept 2002
ExplorerRelease to get full functionality. Goals are:
  • Build core development team (10 max)
  • A large set of software (>1000 packages)
  • Full support for KDE and Gnome desktops and all major browsers
  • Enhanced Documentation
  • Fully debugged package manager
  • Library of metapackages and build-types supported that standardize packaging
  • Basic packaging philosophy documented
  • Functionality of the Debian based TelemetryBox releases available.
  • Enhanced Hardware support
  • Ability to import .deb , .rpm and .ebuilds
Estimated Dec 2002
VanguardRelease to be able to compete with other distributions. Goals:
    Large development team (50 max)
  • Comprehensive coverage with package descriptions (~ 10000 packages)
  • Very good documentation and a well-maintained website
  • Support for multiple arches and established porting procedures
  • Installation via the Network using a floppy disk.
  • Customized installs for Desktop use, Server deployment etc.
Estimated at the end of 2003

Package Description File Format

Format overviewOverview of all record types
String ExpansionFilesystem Entities
Header recordsSpecial Features
Special variables

Reference of all Record Types Supported

This is an overview over all record types supported in all stages. See information following the table for more explanations. The list covers all the elements used for the specification of recipies as well as the metainformation structures used by UPM to keep track of packages and their content.

ARBIA variable [value]Set attributes to parameterize builds
BBIB variable [value]Record values of attributes during builds.
CBC arch locationShows location where binary tarballs of the package are available
DID directoryname uid gid permissionsInformation about a directory
ERBE event shell-codeModifications on certain types of events
FIF filename uid gid permisson md5sum lengthInformation about installed file
GRG upm-commandAllows the insertion of commands into package descriptions depending on this one
HRBIH urlsURLs to find out more information about the package
III variable [value]Record important values during installation.
LIL filename link-targetInformation about an installed symlink
MRBIM email-addressesEmail addresses to contact regarding package maintenance
NIN filename uid gid permission devinfoInformation about special node installed
ORBIO optionSets special processing options for a package
PRP url/filename[@patchfix]i [md5sum]Apply patch during build process
QRBIQ actionletter init.d-script update-rc.d-optsSet up startup for scripts
RRBIR relationship package [condition]Define a relationship to another package
SRBIS url/filename [md5sum]Where to get the sourcecode from
TRBIT directory actionActions to execute on modifications of files in directories
URBIU username uid gid [Name]Specify users necessary for a package
VRBIV type envvari [value]Manager environment and paths
WRBIW textDescription of the package
XRBIX blacklist-type file/dirDefine Blacklist
YRBIY symlink file priorityRealize prioritylinks
ZII file packageInformation about a file that used to belong to a package
The Stages mentioned refer to R=Recipe, B=Build, I=Installed. If a letter is provide then the record type can be present in that stage. Filenames are always specified without a leading / since the package can be build in any directory and a relative filenames makes it easier to work with.

Package description files are used to store metadata about a package. This includes information on how to retrieve/build the package and what files are used by the package. Package description go through various phases until they are ready to be used:

In this stage the package description is all there is. It is an instruction as to where to get the files and how to build a binary from the source code. Ideally the instructions are platform independent as well as version independent. The version number is derived from the recipe name so that the recipe can be simply renamed for newer releases. If no changes to the build process have been done then the recipe can simply be used for a newer release. Attributes are used to specify various flexible characteristics of the build environment. Recipies usually exist in /var/upm/recipe and its subdirectories. A single files contains all the build instructions. Examples can be found here.
In the build stage B records have been added and the variable nature of the attributes has become fixed by commitments to a certain style of build. The binary package is bound to a CPU architecture and the features are fixed now. A binary package might be stored as a .tgz tarball somewhere or just be a temporary stage in a directory generated by uPM. The metadata of BUILD package can be stored separately to allow the package manager to search for fitting binaries. See examples here The metadata is usually stored on system in /var/upm/build. The binary tarballs are stord in /var/upm/binary/ if the upm is configured to save binary tarballs.
In the installed stage the package description contains records of files, directories and symlinks installed and exact records on the metainformation of all packages so that the current state of the package can be verified. The package descriptions of installed packages are to be found in /usr/upm/installed.

Package description files are simple lines of text with fields separated by blanks. The first parameter is a letter indicating the type of record. The last parameter might be a string containing blanks. No quoting is necessary.

String Expansion

Some records can contain references to variables implemented by String Expansion which might refer to the attribute definition in /etc/upm.conf and the package description.. String expansion is done when content is contained in { }. The following expansions are supported:

exp ? e1 : e2
Conditional. If exp is true/defined then e1 is used as a value otherwise e2
e1 & e2
Boolean logic & and | are supported.
e2 = e2
Comparisions. All typical forms of comparision in C are supported.
e1 + e2
String concatenation.
Reference to a variable. Looked up in B records A records and attribute section of upm.conf
String literal
String literal
( e )
! e
NOT expression
The following fixed variables are available during the build process:

  1. B The target directory where the install should place the binaries
  2. S The source directory where the build process takes place
  3. V The version number of the package (Shorthand for VERSION)
  4. P The name of the package (Shorthand for PACKAGE)
  5. UPM_VERSION The version of UPM runnig

Filesystem Entities Definition records

These lines are used to track the files owned by a package. They only exist during the installed phase of the package. Upon installation these lines are derived from the contents of the source tree.
Nodes (special devices, pipes and such)
Entities commandered by other packages
Z <FN> <Package>

Z records will be generated when another package has replaced files of the package. They are a memory of file that have been there and a record of who the villian was.

Header Records

Description of the Package
W <descriptive text>

This contains the text displayed when an overview of packages is requested.

O <option>

Is used to set up special behavior of the packaging system. Supported are

Allows other packages to overwrite files in this package. Files will vanish as other files provide them. This is used for busybox to gradually relinguish its commands to the "real" thing. A package with the OVERWRITE package will not install files that are already provided by other packages.
A base package owns all directories it includes. No Husk will be deployed during the installation phase.
Package cannot be build unless the building process is run as root. This means that the package cannot be build by a regular user using fakeroot.
The package does strange things like putting files into the / directory. Switches off all sanity checks and lets the package overwrite files of other packages at will.
A binary package is not generated or stored for this package. Setting NOBINARY is useful for packages that have a fast build or for packages with License restrictions. If a package has a license that prohibits redistribution of binaries then this option can make sure that redistribution cannot happen.
Source specification
S <url> <md5sum>

Retrieve and unpack source code from the indicated location. Contents retrieved are checked against the (optional) md5sum. All the classic tar compressed formats are supported. If multiple lines of source specifications are given then these are understood to be alternate sources for the same information. The S records will be tried until one is successful. If a simple file is specified then the file will be fetches from the configured source location in upm.conf. By default this is http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/telemetry/sputnik/sources. If the first character of the URL is a @ then the mirror list in upm.conf will be consulted and all mirror sites will be tried to obtain the sourcecode.

Patch Specifications
P <patch-url> <md5sum>

The patch specifications works in the same way as the Source specification. No multiple sources are supported though. Patches will be applied in the sequence as the P records are encountered in the package description. Patch-Fitting allows hinting to UPM how the patch has to be applied. Without the fitting specification UPM will try to do patch-magic by trying various way of applying the patch until it fits. Patch fitting is done by appending @ to the end of the patch. If a number follows then that is the -p parmeter value usually given to patch. If some text follows then that is the directory to CD to before doing a patch -p0. Tarballs can also be specified. They will simply be unpackaged into the main source directory or into the location specified by the @ hint.

Binary specification
C <arch< <binary-url> <md5sum>

C lines specifiy where binaries with default configuration are available. The arch specifies the basic architecture. Binaries are not as flexible as recipes. The binary will not install if there is a basic incompatibility of attribute settings.

Homepage specification
H <homepage-url>
Relationship specification
R <relationship> <package> <condition>

How does a package relate to other packages. Relationships allowed are DEPEND, CONFLICT, REPLACES, PROVIDE and BUILD. In the case of PROVIDE the condition is the version of the virtual package and not a condition. REPLACE means that the package referred to is completely removed on installation of this package. A BUILD reference causes version information from the depended on package (plus all the G records of that package) to be imported. G records can be used to generate necessary dependencies for packages using libraries or to generate types of build environments.

Event specifications
E <Event> line of shell command

Shell commands are run at specific events. All shell commands undergo string expansion first. It is possible to have these shell commands customized by the attributes of the package or of the system. It is strongly suggested NOT to use these event scripts but rather to rely on the attributes controlling the build engine, triggers, Blacklists and system wide scriptsi as much as possible. Package descriptions containing *MERGE events might be considered unsafe. All other events can be executed in a fakeroot or user environment during package build. Do not write maintainer scripts that are package specific If you need some functionality then please generalize it and put it into some kind of utility package. The event handlers can then invoke those scripts. Maintainer scripts tend to rot since no one bothers with them. Tools that can be useful for multiple packages will usually be maintained well.

Possible events are (shorthand notations in parentheses):

Execute after the package has been installed into the temporary binary tree (NOT into the / tree). Executed as the root user in a fakeroot environment. The current directory is the binary directory. This is typically used to clean up the binary tree, move files around the target tree and provide other finishing touches. Note that the base husk (directory and links from the base package) is removed automatically before the POSTINST is run.
Execute before the package files are moved into the temporary binary tree (NOT into the / tree). Executed as the root user in a fake root environment. Current directory is the binary directory. This is typically used to setup directories that the installation stage expects. Note that the husk (directories and symlinks) of the base package is always provided in temporary binary trees. It is only necessary to create directories that are unique to the package.
PERM (<P>)
Run as fake root after all permissions and ownerships have been normalized and after all other scripts have been run on the binary tree. The native permissions are typically overwritten when the final script is run. Allows customization of permissions when needed.
Run as build user. Directory is sourcedirectory. Before configure.
Run as build user. Directory is sourcedirectory. After configure.
Run as build user. Directory is sourcedirectory. Before build.
Run as build user. Directory is sourcedirectory. After build.
Executed before the package files are moved into the / tree. {B} is the directory of the binary tree to be merged in. This can be used to simulate Debian preinst scripts. Simply invoke a script from the {B} tree... maybe {B}/var/lib/dpkg/info/mypackage.preinst ?? I would recommend not to use such a script since this script has to run as real root.
Execute after all the package files have been moved into the / tree as real root. Current directory is the / directory.
Run as root before the package is removed.
Run as root after the package is removed.
There are a couple of shorthand notations for frequently used actions. These are:
>file text
Write the text to the file specified
>>file text
Append the text to the file specified
@file sedcommand
Execute a sed command on the file. like cp file file.new;sed -e 'sedcommand' file.new >file;rm file.new
Attribute specification
A <Attribute> <contents>

Attributes allow to specify various information that might be used by dependency conditions and to control and track the build process. Two important attributes are VERSION which is the version of the package installed. VERSION is generated from the version provided at install time. DELTA is used to track revisions to the package description if necessary. It is optional and should only be set if there is a need to track multiple package descriptions for a single VERSION.

Build Attributes
B <Attribute> <contents>

Build records are generated during the building of binaries from source. They track the values attributes had when the binary was build. Build records are also used to track the versions of all packages mentioned in build depends. This enables a forced rebuild of all packages that have been generated with a broken version. If dependency checks are being done and references to attributes of packages are made then the build attributes are the significant values..

Installation Attributes
I <Attribute> <contents>

Installation attributes track what happened during the merging of the package into the real tree. Currently that info includes only version of packages replaced.

Environment Variables
V <type> <variable> <value>

Environment variables allow the control of paths such as MANPATH, PATH and the paths used for ld.so as well as default settings in /etc/profile. The V records are processed in order of priority. The packages with the most depth of dependencies are processed first and the packages depending on them later. Therefore packages depending on others can override settings as needed.

Types of variables:

Multiple specifications of the variable result in concatenation of the strings specified by :.
Simply set environment variables. Multiple occurences cause an override.
Multiple occurrences are not allowed. Fail if multiple settings exist.
The following files are generated from the V settings:
Raw list of the variables and their effective settings
File with a suitable format to be sourced by bash and others.
File with a suitable format to be sourced by csh and others.
Configuration file for ld.so suitable to generate a list of all directories to be processed by ld.so
Priority Links
Y <FN> <TARGET> <Priority>

Priority Links are used to manage multiple programs providing the same functionality. For example there are multiple ways to provide a vi editor. Packages can define a priority and the system will point the link to the lowest priority link. The user can display priorities and fix these pointers to a favorite implementation.


Blacklisting is used to prevent packages from installing files. Typically there are files that are dirctories of information such as /usr/info/dir. Many packages provide these files. uPM enforces that no packages should overwrite other packages files and therefore those installs will fail. Blacklisting the file will make it possible for uPM to handle the situation intelligently. ABORT means that packages providing that packages providing that file will not install. WARN means allow the installation but warn about the situation. IGNORE means to simply silently ignore the garbage.

Blacklisting can also be used for Directories. Some major directories can be taken offline. The base package does that extensively to prohibit accidents.

T <Dir> <command<

Execute the script when a package writes new contents to the directory or removes files from the directory. Invocations are

command add list of files
if new files are installed and as
command remove list of files
when files are removed from the directory. A simple example for the use of a trigger is the invocation of ldconfig:
T lib ldconfig #
T usr/lib ldconfig #
will insure that ldconfig is run whenever there is a new file in those directories. The # results in the parameters being ignored and not passed to ldconfig.
Start Stop Service support
Q <mode> <scriptname> <update-rc.d params>

Allows the control of services provided by the package. The scriptname is a referrig to a script which must be provided in the /etc/init.d directory of the generated binary tree of the package. Upon initial installation the service is installed. Service is started after installation of the package is complete. Upon upgrade the service is stopped. Script removed and then reinstalled and started when the new files have been installed.i The mode specifies what exactly to do and is a combination of characters that enable specific actionsof BUE. B (Begin) means run the service upon installation of the package. U means take service down upon upgrade and start again after upgrade. E (End) means take service down on package removal.

User/group modifications (/etc/passwd,/etc/group)
U <username> <uid> <gid;< <long name>

U records allow the adding of new user and group ids as needed by programs. U records will fail if the userid already exists. If the group id does not exist then an entry in /etc/group is also generated with the same username.

Inheritance from BUILD dependencies
G <line to put into package depending on this one>

G records allow the setting of additional records in package descriptions that depend on another. This allows the setup of build types and by a simple R BUILD line a package can use generic build instructions. This is very useful if many packages have always the same settings for building.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was UPM not written in C++?

Unclear Language Design
At this point I just put a couple of days into trying to switch UPM from C to C++. I am teaching classes in C++ so I am familiar with the concepts of C++ and I have done stuff before in C++. I was again surprised by the wasting-time-on-what-in-the-world-is-going-on-with-the-compiler factor that crept in and began to consume more and more of my time as I used more and more advanced OO concepts of C++. C++ seems to be always trying to do something in the background that one has to imagine to properly construct a program. Such issues are plainly unacceptable for programming and in particular for large programs. The model in which programming takes places must be comprehensible and self-consistent. That is simply not the case with C++. One might argue that all high-level languages do that. But that is not the case. Programming in Ruby, Python, Perl or PHP is possible without having the constant feeling that someone in the back is trying to interfere with what you are trying to accomplish.
Object Orientedness
C++ has some elements attempting to support polymorphism. In the implementation of UPM I had to use that polymorphism for the first time to the fullest extend with multiple inheritance structures. I am used to clean and easy implementations of polymorphism from Ruby. C++ was a rude awakening. Seems that C++ does some tricks with pointers to classes that one needs to be aware of in order to write correct programs. A pointer to a pointer of a derived class that I needed to convert to a pointer to a pointer of base class was impossible to do whereas a simple pointer conversion would work. Surprise... I was able to override C++ by using void** instead but then why not use C?
have severe limitations in C++. I had to rewrite my APIs several times because of the inability of constructors inherited to a derived class to call a method in that derived class through a virtual function. A constructor therefore cannot call a helper function to analyze say a string passed to it into the individual properties of the object.
C++ requires the use of a mixture of C and C++ in order to interface with the operating system. There is no standard API even for managing file like renaming or deleting files. This requires frequent conversions between the C and C ++ representations of strings. The function provided for that purpose is c_str() which provides a C string "as long as the C++ string was not changed". A very vage notion and rather risky in view of the evil C++ compiler in the background doing things that you have to mindread.
"Dynamic" allocation of derived types
Does not seem to be implemented. An array of types cannot be build and used for allocation. That handicap makes it impossible to manage a set of objects with a set of derived types from a common base types. The generation of that object has to explicitly specify the derived type. This means that a case statement is needed to allocate each derived type individually. This results in the inability to easily expand the program by adding new derived types. Fixes have to be made all over the program if a new type is needed. Generic frameworks are difficult to construct.
Excessive overloading
The standard C++ libraries do excessive overloading. As a result the compiler cannot really give too much help if it cannot properly "match" a function. Additional in-depth study of the library implementation and the way overloading is being used is necessary to fix these things. The C++ libraries follow the C++ pattern of doing something sophisticated that one has to fully understand in order to be able to use it. One gets the feeling that the C++ libraries are full of booby traps for the uninitiated. Surprise after surprise. Count on wasting lots of time on C++ language research and the finer points of C++s way of implementing objects.
Library dependencies
The use of C++ would have meant additional use of libraries. libstdc++ is mandatory. In order to use C++ strings for file management I could have used commonc++ for example. The STL functions might have required additional libraries too. C allows the writing of a program by just using the standard c library of the system.


C++ is a hybrid of oject oriented concepts and C that went awry. Developers are wasting lots of their time to acquire language and tool know how instead of producing code. It is probably better to use C (more transparent) for low level tasks and use fully object capable languages such as Ruby for high level components.

Why is package metadata stored in /usr?"

The /usr partition contains the majority of all the applications residing on the system. It is natural to store metadata on the same medium than the data that the metadata is about. The metadata in /usr/upm only changes when files are removed and added to the system. That is when also access to /usr must be read-write. If /usr has been mounted readonly then the package metadata is also protected. UPM uses a special directory /usr/upm/froot to stage a newly installed package. Presumably the staging area is on the same volume as the final resting place of the data. This means that UPM can use "mv" to move files into the final locations rather than a costly copy operation. It also insures that space problems become evident during the staging phase and not during the move of files into the final locations.

Why is there no delta? How do you differentiate between releases for the same upstream version

Upm encourages the minimization of changes to upstream sources. In general we would like to be the package names and the version numbers to be an exact reflection of the upstream source situation. The package descriptions are managed via CVS and having the same filename for different deltas allows the meaningful use of CVS to manage the different versions. UPM supports the use of the DELTA attribute to discern between different versions. The contents of the DELTA attribute can be generated via CVS so that no manual change of the DELTA is necessary at all.

Upgrade operations of UPM are really synchronization to an authoritative package set. UPM will downgrade and upgrade as necessary to reflect the situation in the distribution chosem. Because of this the DELTA is only of minor importance.

Bootstrapping a system

There is a "bootstrap" script included in the upm tarball. That script generates a directory with a system that is self-building. This means that it only includes components necessary for the building of the core components. The chroot command can be used to enter that build environment to build things. A ready made build-base system is available from the Download Section. It take about a day to build a system from scratch. Note that the build system requires a host Linux system with all the build tools installed (can be any Linux distribution) to bootstrap.

Step by Step instructions for Bootstrap

  1. Download, build and install upm on the host system if it is not a Telemetry/Linux system.
  2. Run the bootstrap script to build the key components using the foreign environment.
  3. copy /etc/resolv.conf to the etc directory of the chroot environment.
  4. Enter the chroot by using
    chroot bootstrapdir
  5. Customize the settings in /etc/upm.conf as desired.
  6. Rebuild all components in new environment using
    upm -d syncbuild
    Syncbuild will insure that all components are build with the newest software installed.
  7. Buildout the system to be a full Telemetry/Linux system. Use the following command:
    upm -d install system
    This will compile and chug along until a complete system is setup. The system can now be made bootable by configuring grub to load a kernel from /boot/vmlinuz. The chroot environment can be used to debug the new distribution. Software can be added and/or removed as necessary using the UPM commands.

Porting Telemetry/Linux to a New architecture

WARNING: Noone has tried this yet. This is how it SHOULD THEORETICALLY work.
Basically the same steps as before have to be followed if you already have another Linux distribution running on the hardware but there is no Telemetry/Linux version for that hardware.
  1. Download upm sources and customize the build process for the new arch as needed. Build and install upm in the foreign environment.
  2. Customize /etc/upm.conf. In particular change the ARCH and the other compiler settings to fit the new architecture.
  3. Run the bootstrap script to generate a chrooted UPM environment.
  4. Copy the custom upm.conf to the build environment.
  5. copy /etc/resolv.conf to the etc directory of the chroot environment
  6. Customize settings in /etc/upm.conf in the build environment as needed.
  7. Rebuild all components using the new architecture by:
    upm -d syncbuild
  8. Follow the instructions for bootstrap. There might be issues that need to be addressed in the build process or in package selections. Add conditionals to the package descriptions as needed using the {ARCH='xxx'? ... } string expansions. Submit the changes to the package descriptions when you have a working system.

Files and directories used by UPM

UPN uses a variety of files in /etc, /var and /usr.
/usr/upmContains all the information that is only changing when packages are installed and removed from the system
/usr/upm/installedState information about all currently installed packages and files. This is read on UPM startup and used on most operations of UPM.
/usr/upm/inThe state of a package before it entered the system. This is a file included in the original tarball. It is used to check that a tarball has been generated for the UPM packaging system.
/usr/upm/envThe environment settings (search paths, shell environment, ldconfig paths etc) as configured by the installed packages. Some files from /etc are linked to /usr/upm/env.
/usr/upm/etcAll files in /etc in their originally installed state.
/usr/upm/scriptsScripts that are executed by UPM for various purposes.
/usr/upm/frootTemporary staging directory used to unpack tarballs during package installation. This directory might exist after upm was aborted. It will be erased by the next install action. The directory might be safely removed when UPM is not running.
/usr/upm/staging-xxxTemporary staging directories created when UPM realizes after unpacking of a tarball that additional software needs to be installed first. The directories might not be erased if UPM terminated abnormally. The directories can be safely removed if UPM is not running.
/etc/ld.so.confpoints to /usr/upm/env/ld.so.conf. The file in env is generated from V records of package descriptions
/etc/profileTypically sources /usr/upm/env/profile.env to get default environment variable settings set by V records.
/etc/upm.confMaster configuration file for UPM
/var/upmInformation by UPM that is subject to frequent change without necessarily affecting packages installed
/var/upm/binaryBinaries build on the system and saved here. Typically the setting of save-binaries in /etc/upm.conf causes these files to be written
/var/upm/buildPackage descriptions of binaries available anywhere. Usually the contents are mirrored off a Telemetry/Linux master site. The setting of save-binaries writes new package descriptions for binaries to this directory if enabled.
/var/upm/cacheAll files retrieved from the internet are staged in this directory. The contents should be erased once in awhile. If a file is in here then the files will not be downloaded from the network.
/var/upm/descrA directory with descriptions for each individual package. This directory is also mirrored off a master site. It is used for keyword searches.
/var/upm/recipeRecipes on how to build all the packages on the system. UPM will get instructions from here on how to build software. Usually the contents are mirrored off a master site.
/var/upm/extraThe directory might exist if there is any information that does not fit into the other directories

UPM Commands

The upm command is used to manage software on a Telemetry/Linux system. The basic syntax is:

upm options command list-of-packages

Summary of commands:
installpackage-descr / tarballInstall a package from a variety of sources
removepackage-nameRemove a package from the system
listpatternList installed packages
searchpatternSearch for a term in all packages and descriptions
reporttypeShow suid files, broken links and verify the integrity of all files.
buildpackage-nameGenerate binary tarball from sourcecode
update-Synchronize list of recipes, builds and descriptions
upgrade-Upgrade packages where new versions are available
checkpackage-nameCheck actual state of files against metadata
repairpackage-nameSynchronize metadata to actual files
infopackage-namePrint information about package files
config-savepackage-nameGenerate -config.tgz tarball with config files
config-loadpackage-nameLoad -config.tgz tarball with config files
config-defaultpackage-nameReset configuration to state at install time
config-diffpackage-nameBuild diff of actual config files against original config files
extractpackage-nameExtract package as a binary package from the installed files on the system
findfilepattern/fileFind UPM metadata about file
trackdirectoryCheck part of the filesystems for conformity with metadata. Finds extra files and lost files
directorydirectoryPrint directory contents with a list of package ownership for each file
cleanup-Clean out temporary files
syncbuildbuild-dependencies-to-ignoreMake sure that all packages are build with installed tools
syncattrattributes-to-ignoreMake sure that the way all packages were build reflects the current attribute settings in /etc/upm.conf
sourcepackage [level]Retrieve source and go up to in the build stage
diffpackage [level]Build diff against the source build up to

Build Levels
LevelWhat was done
1Source unpacked
2First patch applied
3Second patch applied
nn-1 patches applied
45All patches applied
49PRECONFIGURE events run
50CONFIGURE action performed
51POSTCONFIGURE events run
59PREBUILD events run
60BUILD action performed
61POSTBUILD events run
70CHECK action performed
78Husk deployed
79PREINST events run
80INSTALL action run
84POSTINST events run
85Husk removed
86FINAL run
90PERM events run
99Complete build performed

Summary of options

Long OptionShortPurpose
--version-vPrint UPM version
--help-hPrint short description of options and commands
--keepreal-kWhen doing repair work keep the settings of the files and adjust metadata
--deps-dAutomatically handle dependencies. UPM will only display what packages would be installed/handled without this option.
-a atrribute-valueOverride attribute setting for building
--root dir-r dirInstall to a directory rather than /. This disables dependency checking and marks packages in a special way so that they can later be rebuild using upm syncbuild
--verbose-vIncrease verbosity of processing. The option can be given multiple times to increase verbosity even more.
--quiet-qDecrease verbosity. The option can be given multiple times to decrease verbosity even more.
--generate-gGenerate package description on the fly
--no-depends-DGenerate warnings instead of errors on dependency problems
--no-protect-POverwrite files of other packages installed.
--nice-nOmit files already installed by other packages.
--log-LLog build output for each build instead of displaying it on the console
--fakeroot-FBuild using fakeroot (default for invocation of upm by a user)
--keepdirs-ADo not remove temporary build and binary directories
--match-mDo pattern matching instead of looking for exact match during find file or package
--thorough-tBe more throrougy during track command. Check perms and md5sums.
--source-sBuild and install from source, ignore upm.conf settings.
--binary-bInstall from a binary only. Igniore upm.conf settings.

Configuration File Management

Files in the /etc directory are managed in a special way. In order to allow the restoration of a package to the original condition all original unmodified /etc files are stored in an alternate location (/usr/upm/etc). uPM can display the modifications made to the original (upm config-diff) as well as restore the original configuration of each package (upm config-default).

If new configuration files are provided during an upgrade then uPM will build a diff from the original old configuration file to the new configuration file and apply that diff to the user modified configuration file. In most cases this will accurately upgrade the configuration file without the need for manual intervention. If this process would fail then uPM will refuse to install the package. The situation can be cleared by first saving the configuration files using upm config-save. Then restoring the configuration files using upm config-default and then performing the upgrade. Then the old configuration may be restored using upm config-load or the user might choose another course of action to integrate the changes.

Reference of Attributes used by UPM code

(Note that more attributes are defined in /etc/upm.conf. These are attributes that are directly used by UPM code.)
UPM_VERSIONThe version of UPM running
PACKAGEThe name of the package
VERSIONThe version of the package
DELTAThe delta of the package
PShorthand for PACKAGE
VShorthand for VERSION
SSource directory with Makefile configure script etc
BTemporary target directory
CFLAGSValue of CFLAGS during configure and make. Set up in [env] section of upm.conf
LDFLAGSValue of LDFLAGS during configure and make. Set up in [env] section of upm.conf
CONFIGUREShell code to execute to configure the package. Not executed if empty. Current directory sourcedir
BUILDShell code to execute to bulid the package. Not executed if empty. Current directory sourcedir
CHECKShell code to execute for testing. Not executed if empty. Current directory sourcedir
INSTALLShell code to perform the installation into the temporary {B} directory. Must be set. Current directory is sourcedir
MAN_HANDLERShell code to check for manpages. Current directory targetdir.
INFO_HANDLERShell code to check and install info pages. Current directory targetdir.
DOC_HANDLERShell code to check and install documentation pages. Current directory targetdir.
FINAL_HANDLERShell code to perform final adjustments in the archive. Current directory targetdir.
ARCHArchitecture. Used for architecture suffixes.

UPM Configuration file

This is the standard upm.conf for reference:
# UPM Configuration File
# /etc/upm.conf
# Christoph Lameter, , August 21, 2002

# Mirror to use to retrieve new package information

# RSYNC server to synchronize availablity lists

# Default patch and source location (used if mirror fails)

# For some packages sources and binaries are available.
# Binaries are usually only build for important big packages
# The following settings indicate to UPM if binaries should
# be used if available
# binaries=always|never|ifavail

# The binaries generated during the build phase can be automatically
# saved if a path is specified here.

# Logging control
# File retrieval
retrieve_command=wget -nc --passive-ftp -c %s

# List of mirrors to be used using S @/path P @/path
# Resorting this so that the nearest mirror comes first improves fetch performance.

tbox=http://tbox.lameter.com http://telemetrybox.org/tbox
sourceforge=http://unc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge ftp://telia.dl.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge
gnome=ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome ftp://archive.progeny.com/GNOME ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/X11/GNOME ftp://ftp.no.gnome.org/pub/GNOME ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/2.0.0
kde=http://ibiblio.org/pub/packages/desktops/kde/ ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/ ftp://download.us.kde.org/pub/kde/ ftp://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/kde ftp://download.uk.kde.org/pub/kde/ ftp://download.au.kde.org/pub/kde/ ftp://download.at.kde.org/pub/kde/ ftp://download.tw.kde.org/pub/kde/
gnu=http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/gnu ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu ftp://aeneas.mit.edu/pub/gnu

# Environment settings for the build process.
# These are expanded using values from the attribute
# sections of the package and those defined here.

# Note that these are NOT attributes to be tracked
# or to be used in regular attribute expansion
# If you want to do that then define such attribute
# in the attributes section

# These are lists of default attributes to be used for
# building programs. 
# Attributes defined here can be override by attribute
# specifications in the package or by package specific
# overrides later....

# The following attributes are always predefined by upm
# P The packagename (same as PACKAGE)
# V The version number (same as VERSION)
# S Source directory (Only available during source building and install )
# B Binary directory (Only available during installation phases )
# UPM_VERSION Version of UPM processing

# Specification what to do in each of the build stages
# The shell expansions here are deferred until the time
# just before the corresponding build stage is run

# These are preset for autoconf sources.

# The configuration stage. If this package does not
# support autoconf override this setting using
# CONFOPT can be set with additional options
CONFIGURE={GODIR}./configure --prefix=/usr {CONFOPT} --host={HOST}

# This works with most packages
# Override BUILD if additional targets are needed

# The check stage is typically unused. Define this to override and actually
# perform a regression test or so.

# Installation. Typically the specification of the destination
# varies. Define DESTSPEC attribute to fill that one out if the
# prefix default will not work.

# POST Installation management
# Installation of manpage via the A MAN attribute
MAN_HANDLER={MAN?"/usr/upm/scripts/man_handler {B} {MAN}"}
# Installation of documentation via the DOC attribute
DOC_HANDLER={DOC?"/usr/upm/scripts/doc_handler {B} {P} {DOC}"}
# Installation of documentation via the INFO attribute
INFO_HANDLER={INFO?"/usr/upm/scripts/info_handler {B} {INFO}"}
# Final handler run unconditionally

# Override this to specify your way of setting the binary
# destination to install into in "make install"

#ALTDIR can be specified if packages have their configure elsewhere.


CFLAGS=-mcpu={CPU} -O{O} -march={ARCH} {MMX?"-mmmx"} {NOEXCEPTIONS?"-fno-exceptions"} {OMITFRAMEPOINTER?"-fomit-frame-pointer"}

# Shorthand often needed

# Most important is the control of the gcc compilation options

# Languages to support. If a language is disabled
# and a package requires it then it will be impossible
# to install the package. Notably C++ is used for 
# a large selection of packages and should
# not be disabled unless you want 
# a very minimal system.


# Package features
# Support for other languages
# Package Feature Attributes should contain the package
# they require or a virtual package name.


# SImple Flags
# Debugging support

# Package specific overrides
# I want this package to be compiled with maximum optimization