Intel 810/815 Framebuffer driver Tony Daplas March 17, 2002 First Released: July 2001 ================================================================ A. Introduction This is a framebuffer driver for various Intel 810/815 compatible graphics devices. These would include: Intel 810 Intel 810E Intel 810-DC100 Intel 815 Internal graphics only, 100Mhz FSB Intel 815 Internal graphics only Intel 815 Internal graphics and AGP B. Problems in writing a framebuffer driver for the Intel 810/815 chipsets. First and foremost, these chipsets do not have dedicated video memory. They do have a reserved logical space for graphics memory (up to 64MB), but this space is empty. For this space to become usable at all, pages of System RAM must be mapped to this space. However, as with all video memory, the space must appear linear to anybody trying to access the graphics device. That's where GART comes in. GART (which stands for Graphics Address Relocation Table) or GTT (Graphics Translation Table) as Intel(c) calls it, basically does all the memory address juggling acts such that this logical space becomes functional as linear graphics memory. Besides this 64MB logical space, the i810/i815 chipsets can access "stolen memory" of up to 1 MB. This memory is typically used for VGA, but because this memory is banked, you cannot access more than 16KB at a time without some form of bank switching. In the end, some form of GART service must exist in order for the i810/i815 to become usable at high resolutions. For kernels 2.2.19 and above, such an entity exists, agpgart written by Jeff Hartmann. The present agpgart kernel module currently supports only one user at a time. As we probably all know, the primary user of this module is xfree86, whether directly or via the Direct Rendering Manager (DRM). It is relatively easy to write a framebuffer device for the i810/i815, making it co-exist with other users of agpgart (like X), is the most difficult part. So how do we approach this problem: a. Use VGA. A framebuffer driver already exists for this, VGA16. However, since you can only access 16KB at a time, you will be limited to 640x480 at 8bpp. Most people will not be satisfied with this. b. Use the entire "stolen memory" Stolen memory is actually a good idea. You'll be able to access 1 MB of memory, enough for 1024x768 at 8bpp or 800x600 at 16bpp. The downside is, the coder must be patient enough to write code for banked switching, else, you'll be stuck with 16KB. (And I do know of someone who successfully wrote banked switching for the i810). Another downside is lack of accelerated support. Overall, this is the safest option, since it will leave X with exclusive access to agpgart. c. Use customized AGPGART codes. This was the first approach of the early versions of the driver. At first glance, this seems to be the correct technique, but actually it isn't. Even though the driver will be able to have it's own AGP memory, at some point down the hardware level, contention of critical hardware registers cannot be avoided. Therefore, the framebufer driver must be careful in saving and restoring the register states each time X, or any agpgart requiring applcation becomes active. This is actually more complicated than it sounds. d. Allow AGPGART memory sharing I consider this the best method and there are two techniques. The first technique is to have Xfree86 communicate with the kernel framebuffer driver whenever it needs to acquire or release agpgart. This is how the current i810/i815 driver works. Whenever X becomes active, it tells the framebuffer driver to release the device, and when X becomes inactive or exits, it tells the driver that it can reacquire the device. The solution is simple, and we avoid a lot of hacks/workarounds and code bloat. Another novel idea is to make AGP memory shareable. Shareable means it becomes like any other graphics device. In a few words, more than one application will be able to use the same memory space that another application is already using. The very distinct advantage of this method is that we save a lot of RAM. Since the current agpgart does not allow more than one user at a time, if an application needs 8 MB of video RAM, and another requires another 8MB, then agpgart will allocate a total of 16MB. However, if the AGP memory is shareable, agpgart needs to only allocate 8MB of RAM and then let both applications share the same memory block. C. Features - Supports a range of horizontal resolutions from 640 to 1600 in multiples of 8 if "NonStandard Video Modes" is enabled. - Supports color depths of 8, 16, 24 and 32 bits per pixel - Supports accelerated (8, 16 and 24 bpp only) and unaccelerated modes - MTRR support - Utilizes monitor specifications to automatically compute modelines - Can coexist with xfree86 running with native i810 drivers under certain precautions - hardware cursor support - hardware y-panning support - Supports tiled memory - Resource Manager and Instruction Buffer interface - Variable Display Aspect Ratio - Console Display Rotation E. Kernel boot parameters a. "video=i810fb" enables the i810 driver b. "xres=" horizontal resolution in pixels (default = 640) c. "yres=" vertical resolution in scanlines. Computed as 3*xres/4. If VESA GTF is enabled, this must be specified as well. (default = 480) d. "vyres=" virtual vertical resolution in scanlines. If greater than "yres", hardware y-panning will be automatically enabled. (default = 480) e. "vram=" amount of system RAM in MB to allocate for the device (default = 4) f. "bpp=" bits per pixel (default = 8) g. "hsync1/hsync2=" the minimum and maximum Horizontal Sync Frequency of the monitor KHz hsync1 must be equal to hsync2 if a fixed frequency monitor is to be used. default (30/31) h. "vsync1/vsync2=" the minimum and maximum Vertical Sync Frequency of the monitor in Hz You can also use this to fix/limit the refresh rate of your monitor. So, if you need fix the refresh rate at 60Hz (no more, no less), then set vsync1=60 and vsync2=60. (default = 60/60) i. "accel" enable text acceleration (default = not set) j. "mtrr" enable MTRR. This allows data transfers to the framebuffer memory to occur in bursts which can significantly increase performance. (default = not set) k. "hwcur" enable hardware cursor (default = not set) l. "extvga" enables secondary/external VGA output (default = not set) m. "sync_on_pan" Forces display refresh during vsync only. This may be useful if display panning causes the display to flicker. Enabling this option will limit the flicker. (default = not set) n. "sync" Forces the hardware engine to do a "sync" for each accelerated function. This will produce a more stable setup, but will be slower. (default = not set) o. "render=" This forces the framebuffer memory to be aligned at "value" multiplied by 1024. At the same time, "memory tiling" will be enabled. Memory tiling is a method to localize graphics data which speeds up hardware access to surface data. This might be useful for high-bandwidth modes (3D, Video, or just plain high resolution, high bit depth modes). (default = not set) p. "rotate=" This will rotate console display. "rotate=0" = no rotation; "rotate=1" = rotate to the right; "rotate=2" = rotate 180 degrees; and "rotate=3" = rotate to the left. Prerequisite: "accel" must be enabled, swap xres value with yres if displaye is rotated by 90 degrees. (default = no rotation) ############## Sample Usage ############## In /etc/lilo.conf, add the line: append="video=i810fb:vram=2:xres=1024:bpp=16:hsync1=30:hsync2=55:vsync1=50:vsync2=85:accel:mtrr" This will initialize the framebuffer to 1024x768 @ 16bpp. The framebuffer will use 2 MB of System RAM. MTRR support is enabled. The refresh rate will be computed based on the hsync1/hsync2 and vsync1/vsync2 values. REMEMBER: you need to include hsync1, hsync2, vsync1 and vsync2 to enable video modes better than 640x480 at 60Hz. G. Module options The module parameters are essentially similar to kernel parameters. The main difference is that you need to include a Boolean value (1 for TRUE, and 0 for FALSE) for those options that does have an assignment. Example, to enable MTRR, include "mtrr=1". ############## Sample Usage ############# Using the same setup as described above, load the module like this: modprobe i810fb vram=2 xres=1024 bpp=16 hsync1=30 hsync2=55 vsync1=50 vsync2=85 accel=1 mtrr=1 Or just add the following to /etc/modules.conf options i810fb vram=2 xres=1024 bpp=16 hsync1=30 hsync2=55 vsync1=50 \ vsync2=85 accel=1 mtrr=1 and just do a modprobe i810fb H. Compilation a. Get the kernel patches from b. Apply the patch. Each patch has a version number and the kernel version number that has to be patched. Thus i810fb-2.4.17-0.0.10 will patch linux-2.4.17 to add i810 framebuffer support version 0.0.10. Assuming your kernel tree is in /usr/src/linux cd /usr/src bzip2 -dc /patch/location/patch-i810fb-2.4.17-0.0.10.bz2 | patch -p0 c. Configuring the kernel. Agpgart support is REQUIRED. How support for the i810 will be added depends on how you enabled agpgart. Then just enable i810 Framebuffer support in Console->Video->Framebuffer. If you want to experiment with nonstandard modes (like 936x702 at 72 Hz for instance), enable "NonStandard Intel Video Timings". d. Recompile the kernel as usual. e. In order to use X with the i810/i815 framebuffer driver, you must get the patched i810 driver from the Sourceforge site. Just copy the file i810_drv.o to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers. If you want to do it the hard way by recompiling X, then: - Grab the XFree86-4.1 source from - Untar the package somewhere - cd xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers - bzip2 -dc patch-xc410-i810fb.bz2 | patch -p0 - recompile X J. Acknowledgment: 1. Geert Uytterhoeven - his excellent howto and the virtual framebuffer driver code makes this possible. 2. Jeff Hartmann for his agpgart code. 3. The X developers. Providing X with a means for a save and restore greatly decreased the difficulty in coding. 4. Intel(c). For this value-oriented chipset driver and for providing documentation. 5. Matt Sottek. His inputs and ideas helped in making some optimizations possible. K. Home Page: A more complete, and probably updated information is provided at ########################### Tony