02-25-2002 ---------- Description of Anaconda Install Methods (and ways of updating it) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: ------------ - "fully exploded tree" - this is a tree which in the root has the the 'RedHat' directory from every CD image merged into a single 'RedHat' directory. - "ISO" - the ISO image for a CD image. - "anaconda update" - patches for anaconda to fix bugs/etc - all paths without a leading '/' are relative to directory specified to installer containing install source. - 'updates.img' is a ext2 filesystem containing the updated python sources and modules for anaconda. Current Installation Methods: ----------------------------- - CDROM ------- Summary: This is pretty self-explanatory. Mounts the CD and installs packages, prompts user to switch CDs when the next disc is required. Update Options: - floppy. - 'updates.img' file in '/RedHat/base' directory of CD #1 image. - updated python sources or modules in 'RHupdates/' directory of CD #1 image are used in preference to those in original. - NFS (from a fully exploded tree) ---------------------------------- Summary: Mounts directory from NFS server. Update Options: - floppy. - 'updates.img' file in 'RedHat/base' directory. - updated python sources or modules in 'RHupdates/' directory are used in preference to those in original. - NFS (from a directory of ISOs) -------------------------------- Summary: Loopback mounts ISO images from NFS server. Update Options: - floppy - 'updates.img' file in 'RedHat/base' directory - updated python sources or modules in 'RHupdates/' directory are used in preference to those in original. - FTP/HTTP (from a fully exploded tree) --------------------------------------- Summary: Pulls files from tree via FTP. Update Options: - floppy. - 'updates.img' file in 'RedHat/base' directory. - FTP/HTTP (from a directory of loopback-mounted ISOs) ------------------------------------------------------ Summary: Pulls files from tree via FTP. Looks in 'disc1/' directory to contain files from CD #1, 'disc2/' for CD #2, etc. These can be created on the server by loopback mounting the ISO images into these directories under the directory made available to ftp. Update Options: - floppy - 'updates.img' file in '/RedHat/base' directory in ISO image for CD #1. Hard Drive from fully exploded tree (kickstart only) ---------------------------------------------------- Summary: Similar to NFS method - user specifies a top-level directory and all files are sought under there. Update Options: - floppy. - 'updates.img' file in '/RedHat/base' directory. - updated python sources or modules in 'RHupdates/' directory are used in preference to those in original. Hard Drive from ISOs (non-kickstart only) ----------------------------------------- Summary: Similar to NFS ISO-based method - loopback mounts ISOs in directory specified by user. Update Options: - floppy. - 'updates.img' file in '/RedHat/base' directory of ISO image for CD #1. - updated python sources or modules in 'RHupdates/' directory are used in preference to those in original.